Drift Off - Bedtime Stories for Adults

The Box of Robbers - A Whimsical Bedtime Story by L. Frank Baum

August 20, 2024 Joanne D'Amico Episode 142

Welcome, my dreamy listeners! In tonight's episode, we'll be delving into the whimsical world of L. Frank Baum with the delightful tale, The Box of Robbers. This story follows a curious little girl who discovers an old wooden box in the attic, only to find that it contains more than she ever imagined. Baum's charming storytelling will transport you to a magical place filled with unexpected adventures and a touch of humor. I hope you enjoy this whimsical tale! May you have a restful sleep and pleasant dreams!

Your sleep guide and friend,

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Content Warning Disclaimer: This podcast is a sleep aid for adults. Most stories may be family friendly, however, adult supervision is required! We recommend that parents/guardians listen to the full episode first to decide whether or not the story is appropriate for their young listener.

Safety Disclaimer: Podcast content is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be a replacement for medical, psychological or professional counselling. Only listen when you can relax safely.

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